Why QuickBooks Running Slow?

QuickBooks is a fantastic tool for managing your finances, but when it starts lagging, it can bring your productivity to a screeching halt. Whether using QuickBooks Desktop or Online, encountering QuickBooks running slow performance can be incredibly frustrating. The good news is that there are several steps you can take to diagnose the problem and get QuickBooks running smoothly again. This article will walk you through some of the most common causes of QuickBooks running slow and provide solutions to get you back on track.

Causes of QuickBooks Running Slow

Ever feel like you’re waiting on QuickBooks more than it’s helping you? Laggy software can be a real drag on your workday. QuickBooks running slow for a few reasons:

  • Underpowered Computer: QuickBooks needs a certain amount of muscle to run efficiently. If your computer meets the system requirements, it can keep up.
  • Outdated Software: Just like your car, QuickBooks needs tune-ups. Outdated software can lead to performance issues.
  • Bloated Company File: The more data you cram into your company file, the slower it can become. Large or corrupted files can cause sluggishness.
  • Background Programs: Multitasking is excellent, but only a few programs running simultaneously can hog resources and slow down QuickBooks.

QuickBooks Online Performance: A Look at Both Sides

QuickBooks Online strives for speed! We aim for users to experience load times of 10 seconds or less for frequently accessed pages. Our systems are constantly monitored to ensure we meet this goal.

However, it’s important to remember that QuickBooks Online works hand-in-hand with your device. For optimal performance, your computer’s processing power, available memory (RAM), and internet connection speed play a role. Think of it like a race car – a powerful engine is excellent, but it won’t run smoothly on a bumpy track (slow internet) with worn-out tires (low RAM).

If you are experiencing the issue of QuickBooks running slow, checking your system requirements can be a helpful first step in troubleshooting the issue. These requirements are here: [System requirements for QuickBooks Online].

Optimize Your QuickBooks Online Experience: A Guide to Speed

Ready to make QuickBooks Online run as smooth as butter? Here are some key areas to check for a performance boost:

  1. Chrome Power: Intuit recommends using Google Chrome for the best QuickBooks Online experience. If Chrome is your browser, ensure you’re running the latest version. Head to the Chrome menu, select “Help,” then “About Google Chrome” to update.
  2. System Up-to-Date: Ensure your operating system is running the latest updates. An outdated system can slow down not only QuickBooks Online but your entire computer.
  3. Speed Check: Is your internet bandwidth up to snuff? A sluggish internet connection can significantly impact QuickBooks Online’s performance. Run a Google Speed Test to measure your bandwidth and identify potential bottlenecks. Understanding the test results will help determine if an internet upgrade is necessary.

Keeping Up With the Speed: Browsers and Mobile Connections for QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online is built for speed and optimized to work best with modern browsers and operating systems. Here’s how your choice of browser and mobile connection can impact performance:

  • Browser Compatibility: Older browsers often lack regular updates, so they might not be able to handle QuickBooks Online as efficiently. This can lead to slower loading times and a less smooth experience.
  • Incognito Mode: While convenient for privacy, incognito mode can slow down QuickBooks Online. This is because each incognito session treats you as a new visitor, requiring the site to reload all elements from scratch. While subsequent page loads within the same incognito session should be faster, that initial load can be sluggish.
  • Mobile Connections: While the QuickBooks Online mobile app is a great option for on-the-go access, unstable or slow cellular data connections can cause performance issues. For the most optimal experience, use QuickBooks Online on a device with a reliable Wi-Fi connection whenever possible.

Proactive Steps for a Speedy QuickBooks Online

Here are some preventive measures you can take to ensure a smooth and efficient QuickBooks Online experience:

  • Embrace Chrome: Intuit recommends Google Chrome for optimal performance. If you prefer Chrome, you can keep it updated by going to the Chrome menu, selecting “Help,” and then “About Google Chrome.”
  • Stay Modern: Regularly update your operating system to benefit from the latest performance improvements and security patches. If you’re using the QuickBooks Online app, this goes for both your computer’s operating system and your mobile device’s OS.
  • Choose Wisely: When browsing, avoid using incognito mode for QuickBooks Online. While it offers privacy benefits, each incognito session reloads all site elements, slowing down the initial page load.
  • Mobile with Wi-Fi: While the mobile app is handy, cellular data connections can be unreliable. For the best performance, use QuickBooks Online on a device with a strong and stable Wi-Fi connection.
  • Bandwidth Matters: Verify your internet bandwidth meets the recommended requirements. A slow internet connection can significantly impact QuickBooks Online’s performance. Run a speed test to assess your bandwidth and consider upgrading if necessary.

By following these preventive measures, you can fix the issue of QuickBooks running slow, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your business!


Remember, internet speeds can fluctuate. Shared connections and limitations of mobile data can mean the advertised speed is only sometimes the reality you experience. To ensure your connection is up to snuff for QuickBooks Online, run a Google Speed Test. This test uses data; charges may apply depending on your mobile plan.

By taking a proactive approach and following these tips, you can fix the issue of QuickBooks running slow to ensure smooth performance for your business.

Also read: QuickBooks Connection Has Been Lost

What browser should I use for QuickBooks Online?

Intuit recommends Google Chrome for the best performance. If you prefer Chrome, ensure it’s updated by going to the Chrome menu, selecting “Help,” then “About Google Chrome.”

Why is my QuickBooks running slow?

Several factors can contribute to slowness. Outdated operating systems, slow internet connections, and using incognito mode can all hinder performance.

Does incognito mode affect QuickBooks Online?

Yes! Incognito mode treats each session as a new visit, forcing the site to reload all elements. This can significantly slow down QuickBooks Online’s initial page load.

Is the mobile app good for QuickBooks Online on the go?

Absolutely! However, mobile data connections can be unreliable. Use QuickBooks Online on a device with a strong Wi-Fi connection whenever possible for optimal performance.

How can I check my internet speed?

Run a Google Speed Test to assess your internet bandwidth. This test will measure your download and upload speeds to see if they meet the recommended requirements for QuickBooks Online.

What if my internet speed is slow?

If your speed test reveals a slow connection, consider upgrading your internet plan or contacting your provider to troubleshoot the issue. A slow internet connection can significantly impact QuickBooks Online’s performance.

Are there other ways to improve QuickBooks Online performance?

Yes! Regularly update your operating system and ensure your computer meets the system requirements for QuickBooks Online. Additionally, avoid using resource-intensive programs while running QuickBooks Online.

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